Full TGIF Record # 309976
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    Notes: Variant title "What the Tech? Golf course pin placement: Pin placement software allows superintendents to make more informed decisions on hole locations, which can reduce wear on greens and enhance golfer experience"; Variant pictures
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Publication Type:
Author(s):O'Brien, Daniel; Richardson, Mike; Karcher, Doug
Author Affiliation:O'Brien: Former Program Technician; Richardson: Ph.D. and Professor; Karcher: Ph.D. and Turfgrass Soil Specialist and Professor, Department of Horticulture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Title:Course setup and hole locations: Do you need more numbers, or more options?
Column Name:What the tech?
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Section:At the turn
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Source:Golf Course Management. Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2020, p. 102, 104, 106.
Publishing Information:Lawrence, Kansas: GCSAA Communications Inc.
# of Pages:3
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Decision-making; Golf course design; Golf industry trends; Mapping; Pin placement; Product profile; Routing; Software; Technology
Trade Names:ezLocator
Note:TIC-hosted web link available 1 month after publication date.
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ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
O'Brien, D., M. Richardson, and D. Karcher. 2020. Course setup and hole locations: Do you need more numbers, or more options?. Golf Course Manage. 88(1):p. 102, 104, 106.
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    Notes: Variant title "What the Tech? Golf course pin placement: Pin placement software allows superintendents to make more informed decisions on hole locations, which can reduce wear on greens and enhance golfer experience"; Variant pictures
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