Full TGIF Record # 335780
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):Murphy, Tim R.; Colvin, Daniel L.; Dickens, Ray; Everest, John W.; Hall, David; McCarty, Lambert B.
Author Affiliation:Murphy: Coordinating Author, The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service; Colvin: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; Dickens: Auburn University, College of Agriculture; Everest: Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, Auburn University; Hall: KBN Engineering, Inc., Gainesville, FL.; and McMarty: University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Monograph Title:Weeds of Southern Turfgrasses: Golf Courses, Lawns, Roadsides, Recreational Areas, Commercial Sod, [2004].
Publishing Information:Athens, Georgia: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agricultural and Environmentall Sciences, The University of Georgia
# of Pages:208
Collation:208 pp.
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Contributors; Introduction; Diagnostic Grass Structures (Ligule; Auricle, Collar; Sheath); Broadleaf Plant Leaf Characteristics (Simple and Compound Leaves; Leaf Margins; Leaf Shapes; Leaf Attachments; Leaf Arrangement); Grass and Grass-Like Plants; Broadleaf Plants; Glossary of Taxonomic Terminology; Index to Common Plant Names; Index to Scientific Plant Names; and Acknowledgements.
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Weeds -- Southern States -- Identification; Turfgrasses -- Southern States; Pelouses -- Etats-Unis (Sud); Turfgrasses; Weeds
See Also:See also earlier edition, 1992, R=26130. R=26130
Note:Also reprinted and distributed regionally by other cooperating institutional extension services
Line drawings
Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Murphy, Tim R. [2004]. Weeds of Southern Turfgrasses: Golf Courses, Lawns, Roadsides, Recreational Areas, Commercial Sod. 208 pp. Athens, Georgia: Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agricultural and Environmentall Sciences, The University of Georgia.
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