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Web URL(s): | https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/its/articles/1997jou699.pdf Last checked: 09/29/2008 Requires: PDF Reader |
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Publication Type:
| Refereed |
Author(s): | Koski, A. J. |
Author Affiliation: | Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA |
Title: | Influence of paclobutrazol on creeping bent (Agronstis [Agrostis] stolonifera L.) root production and drought resistance |
Section: | Physiology and ecology: Contributed papers Other records with the "Physiology and ecology: Contributed papers" Section
Meeting Info.: | Sydney, Australia: 1997 |
Source: | International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. Vol. 8, No. Part 1, 1997, p. 699-709. |
Publishing Information: | Blacksburg, VA: International Turfgrass Society |
# of Pages: | 11 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Paclobutrazol; Agrostis stolonifera; Root growth; Drought resistance; Discoloration; Turfgrass quality; Soil depth; Plant recovery
Abstract/Contents: | "Paclobutrazol [(2RS, 3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl) penta-n-3-ol] is a plant growth regulator (PGR) used to selectively and severely supress the growth of Poa annua, often considered an undesirable invader of creeping bent (Agronsis stolonifera L.) golf course turf. While mowing requirements of the bent might be suppressed following an application of this PGR, tiller and stolon formation are generally not affected. This selective growth regulation can allow for the gradual elimination of Poa annua from turf swards. Despite its widespread use, the effects of paclobutrazol on the root production and drought resistance of creeping bent have not been documented. Field studies were conducted over a two-year period in Colorado with bent grown on a Nunn clay-loam soil, mowed at 13 mm. A commercially available formulation (paclobutrazol on a fertilizer carrier) was used to apply a rate of 0.6 kg a.i. ha⁻¹ in the autumn, in the spring, or in an autumn plus spring combination. Some plots received repeat applications during the second year in order to assess potential effects of multiple PGR applications on root production. Root masses were obtained from washed plugs collected 30, 60, and 90 days after treatment (DAT) during the spring, to assess effects of PGR applications on root production. The potential for foliar discolouration and turf quality were assessed using visual ratings. Irrigation was withheld during two periods in 1989 and once in 1990 to visually assess effects of paclobutrazol on drought resistance and recovery from drought-induced injury. Some minor, short-term (7-14 days) discolouration occurred with the PGR treatments, but the overall effect of paclobutrazol on turf quality was positive. Paclobutrazol applications (especially when applied in both autumn and spring) resulted in improved turf quality (as compared to the control) on 66% of rating dates over the two-year period; PGR-treated plots had greater turf density on 60% of the dates. Autumn followed by spring paclobutrazol applications increased root mass in the surface 15.2 cm of soil at 60 and 90 DAT; deeper root growth was unaffected. Despite enhancement of root production, visual assessments of drought resistance and recovery from drought revealed no striking effects due to PGR treatments in either year. The primary reasons for using paclobutrazol on creeping bent turf should continue to be for Poa annua management, for mowing reduction, and for potential improvement of playing surface quality via increased turf density." |
Language: | English |
References: | 15 |
See Also: | Other items relating to: Disasters - Drought |
Note: | Tables |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Koski, A. J. 1997. Influence of paclobutrazol on creeping bent (Agronstis [Agrostis] stolonifera L.) root production and drought resistance. Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 8(Part 1):p. 699-709. |
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| Web URL(s): https://archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/its/articles/1997jou699.pdf Last checked: 09/29/2008 Requires: PDF Reader |
| MSU catalog number: SB 433 .I52 v. 8 |
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