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Publication Type:
| Refereed |
Author(s): | Cereti, C. F.;
Pettinelli, E.;
Rossini, F. |
Author Affiliation: | Cereti & Rossini: Department of Crop Production - Agroecosystems Sections; University of Tuscia; Via S. Camillo de' Lellis; 01100 Viterbo, Italy. Pettinelli: Department of Electronic Enigneering, University "La Sapienza"; Via Eudossiana, 18; 00184 Rome - Italy |
Title: | Water-content measurements in fine-grained sediments using Time Domain Reflectometry and multilevel probes for turfgrass research |
Section: | Physiology and ecology: Contributed papers Other records with the "Physiology and ecology: Contributed papers" Section
Meeting Info.: | Sydney, Australia: 1997 |
Source: | International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. Vol. 8, No. Part 2, 1997, p. 1252-1258. |
Publishing Information: | Blacksburg, VA: International Turfgrass Society |
# of Pages: | 7 |
Keywords: | TIC Keywords: Soil moisture; Time domain reflectometry; Measurement; Methodology; Soil profiles; Roots; Lolium perenne; Soil water content
Abstract/Contents: | "The TDR method, which makes use of the physical relationship between soil permetivity and water content, has been used considerably over the last twenty years for measuring soil moisture, thanks to the speed of the method, its non-destructive nature and the relative accuracy of the estimate given. In order to achieve a detailed soil-moisture profile, multi-level TDR probes have been studied and adapted which consist of horizontal electrodes (2.5 and 5 cm spacing) originating from a central polyvinylchloride (PVC) access tube. Laboratory TDR measurements were collected in an essentially mono-granular, fine grained sandy medium with and without grass (Lolium perrene L.) present and under shallow water tables and drained conditions. Comparison of these results indicate that the root system has significant influence on the water content of the upper 15 cm. The method provided interesting results and defined vertical soil-moisture profiles that were accurate enough to understand the position and importance of the water absorption sites in the root system under different water-supply conditions. |
Language: | English |
References: | 5 |
Note: | Figures Graphs |
| ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete): Cereti, C. F., E. Pettinelli, and F. Rossini. 1997. Water-content measurements in fine-grained sediments using Time Domain Reflectometry and multilevel probes for turfgrass research. Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 8(Part 2):p. 1252-1258. |
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