Full TGIF Record # 7500
Item 1 of 1
Publication Type:
Material Type:Chapter
Author(s):Muser, H. B.; Perkins, A. T.
Author Affiliation:The Pennsylvania State University
Title:Guide to planting
Monographic Source:Turfgrass Science, 1969, p. 474-490.
Publishing Information:American Society of Agronomy
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Viability; Seeding rate; Seeding methods; Seeders; Mulching; Plugs; Sod quality; Clones; Seeding; Planting; Seed purity
Abstract/Contents:Content statements: "Introduction; Seeding; Seed quality; Purity; Viability; Trueness to type; Seeding operations; Time of seeding; Seeding rate; Seeding methods and equipment; Calibration; Covering and firming; Seeding in regions of limited rainfall; Mulching; Materials; Rates of application; Methods of application; Vegetative planting; quality of materials; Soil preparation; Preparation of planting stock; Planting methods; Sod plugs and plant clones; Sodding; Sod quality; Soil preparation, handling, and laying"
See Also:For more information about the book this record is from: R=7481
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Muser, H. B., and A. T. Perkins. 1969. Guide to planting. In Turfgrass Science. American Society of Agronomy.
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