Full TGIF Record # 7501
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Chapter
Author(s):Juska, F. V.; Cornman, J. F.; Hovin, A. W.
Title:Turfgrass under cool, humid conditions
Monographic Source:Turfgrass Science, 1969, p. 491-512.
Publishing Information:American Society of Agronomy
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Climate; Species; Light intensity; Soil types; Irrigation; Mowing; Thatch; Fertilization; Weeds; Insects; Renovation; Cultural methods
Abstract/Contents:Contents statement: "Introduction; Factors affecting the choice of grass species; Light intensity; Site, soil type, and traffic; Adaptive limitations of grasses; Mixtures; Irrigation; Mowing; Level of maintenance; Thatch; Annual fertilizer requirements; Major pests; Weeds; Insects; Turf renovation; Summary of management practices"
See Also:For more information about the book this record is from: R=7481
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Juska, F. V., J. F. Cornman, and A. W. Hovin. 1969. Turfgrass under cool, humid conditions. In Turfgrass Science. American Society of Agronomy.
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