Full TGIF Record # 83987
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Material Type:Book
Monographic Author(s):Clouston, David
Monograph Title:The establishment and care of fine turf for lawns and sports grounds, 1939.
Publishing Information:Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son
# of Pages:126
Collation:126 pp.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Establishment; Lawn turf; Sports turf; Bowling greens; Tennis courts; Renovation; Sodding; Seeding; Seedbed preparation; Fertilization; Aeration; Liming; Composts; Weeds; Fungi; Rusts; Fairy rings; Wireworms; Oligochaeta; Quality; Lawn maintenance; Sod; Mesocotyl; Microdochium patch
Abstract/Contents:Includes: Introduction; Renovation and care of established turf; Turfing; Turf from seed; Preparation of ground for a new lawn from seed; Aeration of turf; Compost; Manures and manuring; Lime on lawns and sports grounds; Lime on lawns and sports grounds; The acid theory; Weeds; Grasses for lawns and sports turves; Leather jackets; Wireworms; Fungus diseases of grass; Worm killers; Fertiliser analyses; and the common basis for compensation values awarded for use of fertilizers.
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Lawns; Grasses; Grasses - Diseases and pests
See Also:See also first edition (1937), R=289 R=289

See also precedent version, 19xx, R=33164 R=33164
Pictures, b/w
"The present edition has been amended and enlarged in accordance with recent advances and the helpful suggestions of friends."
Annotation from Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf, by James B Beard, Harriet J. Beard and James C Beard:"This second edition contains some updated changes. It is a very rare book. Lawn sand has been widely used for weed control in turfgrasses in the United Kingdom, as described by Dr. Clouston in the following:

LAWN SAND. The use of lawn sand has done much to maintain sports turves in relatively weed-free condition. The important ingredients are sulphate of ammonia and calcined iron sulphate made up as follows:-

Sulphate of ammonia 3 parts;
Calcined iron sulphate, 1 part;
Sand or soil, 20 parts.

The mixture is usually applied at the rate of 3-4 oz. per sq. yd. every 10- 14 days until the weeds are eradicated. Several dressings may be necessary. It is essential that the lawn sand should be applied during a dry spell, for, if rain ensues, the value of the chemical as a weed killer is largely lost. On the other hand do not apply during a period of drought or severe scorching will occur. Lawn sand will cause damage to the grass if applied
immediately after cutting. It is desirable to apply it two to three days before mowing or two to three days after mowing, where possible. Once weed eradication has been successfully accomplished applications should cease until again required. The deep rooted weeds such as dandelion, cats ear, etc., which are resistant to lawn sand, are best treated with 10% arsenic acid or 10% sodium chlorate, by means of a weed injector. The latter is inserted near the crown and a small quantity of the weed killer solution injected. Arsenic is poisonous, and this must be borne in mind if sheep are grazing, as difficulties might ensue. Care should be exercised also if drinking water is involved in any way. The chlorate would be preferable under these circumstances. There is a certain amount of danger of fire with chlorate. Waterproof clothing should be worn when this chemical is being applied, and it should be washed from the clothes afterwards." p. 194
Beard Section Heading:Bibliography of books/monographs on turfgrass culture
Beard Rarity Statement:Very rare
Beard Special Note:Identified by James B Beard in Turfgrass History and Literature: Lawns, Sports, and Golf (2014) as being old and rare based on his experience.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Clouston, David. 1939. The establishment and care of fine turf for lawns and sports grounds. 2nd. ed. 126 pp. Aberdeen: D. Wyllie & Son.
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