Full TGIF Record # 144966
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Publication Type:
Material Type:Book
Monographic Corporate Author(s):Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
Monograph Title:Golf Course Environmental Profile: Property Profile and Environmental Stewardship of Golf Courses: Volume I - [Full Report], 2007.
Publishing Information:[Lawrence, Kansas]: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
# of Pages:40
Collation:40 pp.
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Golf courses; Golf courses in the environment; Environmental stewardship; Land area in turf; Land use; Cynodon; Agrostis stolonifera; Poa pratensis; Poa annua; Lolium perenne; Overseeding
Abstract/Contents:"GCSAA's Golf Course Environmental Profile is a data collection project that will provide new insight into the property features, management practices and inputs associated with golf courses across the United States. This is the first report on the project. The research detailed within helps portray the current environmental state of golf facilities, determine the future direction of environmental efforts, provide information for inquiries about environmental issues, document change over time made by golf facilities with regard to the environment, and identify key issues for potential future research. This is the first of a series of planned surveys, conducted to collect the data necessary to develop a national Golf Course Environmental Profile. Overall, it offers an accurate portrayal of golf course land use to guide the golf industry's agronomic and environmental initiatives, and it establishes a baseline that can be compared to data from future surveys to identify change over time. The objectives of the first survey, and translated into volume one of this report, were to determine the following: Total acreage of a golf course; Land-use characteristics; Acreage devoted to each component of the golf course; Grass species grown on each golf course component; Acreage dedicated to natural resources and environmental stewardship practices. The survey was sent to 16,009 golf course superintendents in the U.S. Golf courses were stratified by agronomic region, course type and number of holes. All types of golf courses were adequately represented in the results. Highlighting the report are the following results: The total acreage of an average 18-hole golf course in the U.S. is 150 acres, of which 100 acres (67 percent) is maintained turfgrass.; The remaining acreage includes (Non-turfgrass vegetation (16 percent); Water bodies (7 percent); Buildings (4 percent); Bunkers (3 percent); Parking lots (3 percent)); Cool-season grasses are grown on 66 percent of all maintained turfgrass acreage of golf courses, while warm-season grasses comprise 34 percent.; Approximately 44 percent of golf courses have increased their non-turfgrass areas by nearly 10 acres over the past decade.; In that time period, an average of five environmental improvements were made on 18-hole golf courses.; At courses involved in voluntary environmental programs, an average of seven environmental improvements were made from 1996 to 2006."
Library of Congress
Subject Headings:
Golf courses -- Environmental aspects -- United States; Golf courses -- Environmental aspects
See Also:See also related article "Golf course profile describes turfgrass, landscape, and environmental stewardship features" Applied Turfgrass Science, November 2007, p. 1-25, R=130525. R=130525

See also related summary, Golf Course Environmental Profile: Property Profile and Environmental Stewardship of Golf Couses: Volume I - [Summary], 2007, R=132714. R=132714

See also related book, Golf Course Environmental Profile: Water Use and Conservation Practices on U.S. Golf Courses: Volume II - [Full Report], 2009, R=144968. R=144968

See also related book, Golf Course Environmental Profile: Nutrient Use and Management on U.S. Golf Courses: Volume III - [Full Report], 2009, R=158563. R=158563

See also related booklet, Golf Course Environmental Profile: Energy Use and Energy Conservation Practices on U.S. Golf Courses: Volume IV, 2012, R=204777. R=204777

See also related booklet, Golf Course Environmental Profile: Pesticide Use on U.S. Golf Courses: Volume V, 2012, R=233472. R=233472
Note:Includes "Acknowledgments"; p. 5
Includes foreword: "Proof positive: Evidence of golf's environmental benefits" by Greg Norman, Advisory Council Chair, The Environmental Institute for Golf; p. 6
Includes foreword: "Strength in numbers" by Ricky D. Heine, CGCS and 2007 GCSAA President; p. 7
Includes "Appendix"; pp. 25-40
Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. 2007. Golf Course Environmental Profile: Property Profile and Environmental Stewardship of Golf Courses: Volume I - [Full Report]. 40 pp. [Lawrence, Kansas]: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.
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